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Over £500,000 committed in storm response

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  4. Over £500,000 committed in storm response

Updated Monday 7th March 2022

Just two weeks after major storms battered all corners of Wales, £506,706 has been approved to help clubs recover from the damage, thanks to the National Lottery.

In total, 195 clubs have been allocated grants to help with repairs to clubhouses, equipment and other items that were exposed to the elements.

All successful applicants will receive an offer letter from Sport Wales informing them of their grant, by 16th March 2022 at the latest. 

Assistant Director at Sport Wales, Owen Hathway said:

“We’re hugely grateful to the National Lottery as the funding we receive allows us to support sport at all levels, form grassroots to elite.

“We were really concerned about the impact the storm damage might have on clubs and their ability to stay open and operating. With such a significant sum of funding being allocated the doors can stay open for everyone who enjoys taking part in activities on a regular basis.”

The latest grants mean that Sport Wales will allocate around £15million of National Lottery funding this financial year.

More Information

Unsuccessful applicants will also be contacted directly by 16th March 2022 and will be provided the opportunity to apply again for storm damage grants funds in April 2022, should they wish to do so. All applicants will need to provide evidence of the damage sustained as part of this new application form.

Contact us

For further information or support, contact the Sport Wales Investments Team:

  • Email us at [javascript protected email address]
  • Phone the helpline on 0300 3003102, Monday to Thursday, between 10:00-12:30 & 1:15-16:00. If you call and are not able to get through - please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

More about National Lottery Funding

  • National Lottery players raise more than £30 million a week for arts, education, environment, health, heritage, sport and voluntary projects across the UK
  • Since The National Lottery began in 1994, National Lottery players have raised more than £43 billion for projects and more than 635,000 grants have been awarded across the UK - the equivalent of more than 225 lottery grants in every UK postcode district.
  • For more information about projects funded by The National Lottery visit or on Twitter at @LottoGoodCauses.