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Hate Hurts Wales

The Welsh government have launched a brand new campaign to tackle all different types of hate crime in Wales. Let's stand up to hate crime together.


What is a hate crime?

A hate crime is any criminal behaviour which appears to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice, or includes words or behaviour that show hostility, based on a person’s perceived:

  • race
  • religion
  • sexual orientation
  • transgender identity
  • disability

A hate crime can include verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, harassment, assault and bullying, as well as damage to property. The perpetrator could be someone unknown to you, or they could be a friend.

Hate crime can take place both in person and online.

How can I support? 

Share the video above on social media to spread the word and use the campaign hashtag #HateHurtsWales. Read the information below to know what to do in the event you witness a hate crime:


How to report a hate crime

If you have been a victim of hate crime you can report it to the police or to the National Hate Crime Report and Support Centre (run by Victim Support). You can also report these crimes if you see them happen to someone else.

Both the Police and Victim Support can offer you support to deal with what happened to you and find a way forward.



In an emergency call 999

In a non-emergency dial 101

Victim Support


You can talk to Victim Support as an alternative to the Police. They provide independent, confidential help, advice and support to victims and witnesses of hate crimes in Wales.

You can call Victim Support free at any time on 0300 3031 982.

Visit the website where you can report hate crime and find out more about getting support. 

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