School Sport Survey 2022
In keeping with the learning theme, I’d like to make you aware that the School Sport Survey 2022 will launch on Monday 28 March and will remain open until Friday 22 July.
One of the world’s biggest surveys of young people, the 2022 School Sports Survey will discover which sporting activities Welsh children enjoy the most, and which ones they’d like to do more of.
It will also uncover what barriers are standing in the way of young people in Wales living a more active lifestyle. Given the impact that COVID-19 has had on the sector, and indeed, the country as a whole, I think this year’s survey will be even more important than ever in understanding young people’s activity habits and attitude towards sport.
The School Sport Survey is a perfect example of Welsh sport taking a person-centred approach. It helps the Welsh sport sector to identify areas that need our attention and helps us to make best use of our resources. We’ll work with the sector to analyse trends so that we can continue to develop and improve an offer that motivates children and young people.
And of course, together with data taken from the National Survey for Wales, the results of the School Sport Survey influence how funding is allocated by Sport Wales to a number of our partners.
There will be improvements to this year’s survey, based on feedback given by partners during a consultation concerning the 2018 survey. We will share those changes with you soon.
As always, we are extremely grateful for the huge amount of support that our partners, and local authority partners in particular, put into the delivery of the survey. Between now and the end of March, local authorities and schools can expect to receive all of the information they require to help give young people a voice again this year. Look out for details soon.