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Board Minutes November 2023

Meeting of the Sport Wales Board on Friday 24th November 2023

PRESENT: Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson (Chair), Ian Bancroft (Vice Chair), Dafydd Davies, Delyth Evans, Nicola Mead-Batten, Professor Leigh Robinson, Judi Rhys, Martin Veale, Rajma Begum, Philip Tilley, Nuria Zolle, Chris Jenkins, Rhian Gibson; Hannah Bruce

STAFF: Brian Davies (CEO), Graham Williams, Emma Wilkins, Rachel Davies, Owen Hathway, Owen Lewis, James Owens, Jess Williams, Cath Shearer (item 5.3), Wendy Yardley (minutes)

Staff Observers: Stephen DeAbreu

External: (Deputy Minister, Dawn Bowden), Eloise Stringemore (Step to Non-Exec), Bethan Davies (Welsh Co-ordinator, Welsh Athletics)

1.   Welcome/Apologies for absence

The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. No apologies. The Chair formally welcomed new Members Ian Bancroft (Vice Chair), Chris Jenkins, Rhian Gibson and Nuria Zolle. She also welcomed the Deputy Minister (DM) to the meeting. Congratulations afforded to Chris Jenkins on his recent appointment as President of the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) and to Wendy Yardley for her appointment as Executive Assistant.

As time was limited for the DM, the agenda order was altered (item 5.3 moved to first). The DM explained she was here to listen to the Board and to say thank you to all for all the work that had been done to date. However, the whole sector is now facing significant challenges and, because of the economic picture together with Chancellor’s Autumn statement, the Welsh Government is responding to its most challenging circumstances since devolution. Difficult conversations have taken place with Sport Wales regarding budgets, and we will work as closely as possible to minimise impact. There will be difficult choices ahead.

The Chair thanked the DM and said we are all keen to make sure the power of sport is maximised.

2.   Declaration of interests (if new)

Chris Jenkins – President of CGF (Commonwealth Games Federation)

Rhian Gibson – Director of Pontypridd Rugby Club

Ian Bancroft – CEO Wrexham CBC, in relation to any discussion on Sport Partnerships

3.   Minutes of the last meetings

3.1        Minutes, Action Log, Decision Trackers & Matters Arising

Since the last meeting on 22 September the corrected minutes from 12 May 2023 were approved and published online. British Ju Jitsu has acted on the opportunity to submit further evidence in appeal. Therefore, derecognition/recognition is pending. The “Recognition” process in general needs reviewing. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true and accurate record. There were no matters arising. All actions completed.

4.   Chair & Executive Report – SW(23)38

The CEO added the following to the report:

  • WRU Review – the Rafferty report was completed in 7 months and is now published on both the WRU and Sport Resolutions websites. It contains several key recommendations, including the establishment of an Oversight body. WRU had already contacted Sport Wales regarding the setting up and establishing of that group. Sport Wales still not funding WRU as there continues to be outstanding conditions that need to be met.
    Board members discussed the importance of good governance in general and that it was important to learn and apply lessons from the situation.
  • Staff Retirements and announcements: Possible recruitment freeze after news about funding from Welsh Government.

5.   Policy & Strategy

5.1        Social Return on Investment (SROI) – research SW(23)39

OH gave presentation to Board. The commissioned work started in 2018 and although work was interrupted by Covid, the research was restarted in 2020. The state of the nation survey results have now been published and show the incredible return of £4.44 for every £1 of public investment in sport. Furthermore, the social cohesion benefits of sport are also apparent and the impact of volunteering in sport is valued at circa £430m.
Some comments from Board included the fact that clearly social return is important, and we need to somehow reflect it in a form of social accounting with partners. DM said that it was useful information, and she would feed back into other departments within Welsh Government. A meeting request to various Ministers has already been sent by Sport Wales.

5.2        Budget 2024-25 SW (23)40

The WG Cabinet was meeting on Tuesday 28 November and Sport Wales has been asked to produce impact risk assessments for several budget cut scenarios by close of business today. Impact will be significant, and a range of options will be produced by Exec for Board to consider. Early communication with the sector is important and online meetings and additional Board discussions would be scheduled.

5.3        Athlete Voice/Panel SW(23)41

Cath Shearer (CS) thanked the Board for allowing her and Bethan Davies (BD) to come to the meeting to give some context and background to the athlete panel project together with providing an athlete experience. The athlete panel was now well established and fairly well represented. It provides for open and honest conversations. but they are trying to improve its ethnic diversity with pro-active approaches to athletes. The Panel has a strong link with Team Wales and RB also offered support.

5.4        Investment Approach – Thriving Sport System SW(23)42

OL gave presentation on the third and final group of Partners that needed to have their investment methodology determined. The number of partners that would be eligible to apply is small, currently numbering three. However, they will each be playing unique roles in providing for sport in Wales to thrive. Board approved the recommendation.

5.5        Business Plan 2023-24 Update SW(23)43

Key specifics from the presentation - launch of Environmental Resource Hub; Launch of Citbag; Partner Insight from cost-of-living award.

No significant areas of concern were identified or raised, however, there was some discussion on improvements required in generating commercial income across the sector. The continued focus on education was welcomed and the potential to mould our Environmental focus with the Future Generation Commissioners work was also mentioned.

6.   Finance & Risk

6.1        Statutory Accounts – SW(23)44

The Accounts are now signed-off following confirmation from Audit Wales that there were no pension discrepancies. MV (Chair of ARAC) congratulated all staff involved on the accounts.

6.2        Finance 2022/23 Month 5 report – SW(23)45

Board approved the Forecast underspend and discussion the cash carry-over limit of 2% which equates to about £650k. Sport Wales is prohibited from holding reserves, therefore should we request a carry-over increase.

Action – EW to seek clarity on the WG cash carry-over limit.

6.3        Corporate Risk Register SW(23)46

The budget cut effectively raised that risk to being an issue that is being addressed. PT said that Parkwood Leisure (Plas Menai) was classified as low but that should be kept under review due to the general financial pressures. Request made to Board - we need both an H&S and Safeguarding champion.

Action – H&S Champion & Safeguard Champion

6.4        Board Governance review – update

Discussion would be brought to the next Board meeting.

7.   Board Groups & Standing Committee reports

7.1        Summary of Board Committees & Sub Groups – SW(23)47

The report summarised the key issues and decisions taken by these meetings since the previous Board meeting in September. Members noted the report, and no issues were raised.

8.   Any Other Business

To investigate holding the Board’s meeting at a venue in West Wales over the forthcoming year.

9.   Date of next meetings: 16 February 2024

17 May, 12 July, 20 September, 22 November 2024

The minutes were scheduled to be approved by the Board and its next meeting on 16 February 2024.

The minutes were approved by the Board on 16 February 2024.