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School Sport Survey 2018

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Find the most recent School Sport Survey data here.

The School Sport Survey gives children across Wales the opportunity to have their say on sport and their wellbeing. This gives us and the sector a rich insight into participation levels, behaviours and attitudes.

It started in 2011 when 110,000 children and young people took part. We have been taking the survey to 1000 schools across Wales on a regular basis ever since.

The School Sport Survey was carried out in 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2018. Our findings in 2018 represent the voices of 120,000 schoolchildren.

It includes includes a survey of teaching staff to measure things like the number of hours dedicated to sport in the school curriculum.

The depth of evidence means that we – and our partners – can make more informed decisions about future investment resources. We can analyse emerging trends and develop sport in a format that motivates children and young people today. It also allows us to examine under-represented groups and we use the evidence to tackle some of the barriers that prevent children and young people taking part.

45% of children with a disability or impairment are now taking part in sport three or more times a week, up from 40% in 2015.

Main findings of the 2018 Sport Wales School Sport Survey

The results show that the increase seen from 2011 to 2015 in previous surveys has been sustained, with 48% of young people taking part in sport three or more times a week in addition to timetabled PE lessons.

The 2018 figures also suggest a close in the participation gap for some under-represented groups.

  • 45% of children with a disability or impairment are now taking part in sport three or more times a week (in addition to timetabled PE lessons), up from 40% in 2015.  The figure shows an even greater increase when responses from Special Educational Needs schools are added in, taking the figure up to 47%.
  • The lowest participating ethnic minority group, Asian British, has increased regular participants from 36% to 40%, bringing them closer to the national average.
  • Meanwhile there looks to be a more stubborn gap between the most and least deprived, with 42% of children from the most deprived households taking part three or more times a week (in addition to timetabled PE lessons), down from 43% in 2015.

For the first time, young people have been able to identify their gender as male, female or other, providing a wealth of new insight. 

In 2018, 46% of girls took part in sport three or more times a week in comparison to 50% of boys. In 2015, 44% of girls and 52% of boys stated that they regularly took part. Although direct comparisons cannot be made due to the new question dynamic, the figures suggest a potential close in the gender gap.

39% of those responding as 'other' have stated that they take part three or more times a week.

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